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Last month, attorneys from the Zwerdling Law Firm attended the 60th annual Consumer Attorneys of California Convention in San Francisco. Plaintiff’s attorneys from across the State meet at this yearly event to take continuing legal education seminars on the ever-changing landscape of personal injury litigation and relevant changes in California law. This year, topics included:

1) evidentiary issues with medical causation and opinion testimony in light of the Sanchez opinion, 

2) strategies on how to successfully litigate dangerous roads and trails cases against public entities, 

3) the Pinto decision and how the brand new caselaw changes a 3rd party insurance bad faith analysis, and 

4) how trauma informed practices can help us best represent survivors of sexual harassment and sexual abuse. 

As always is the case when attending this yearly event, the attorneys from the Zwerdling Law Firm gained invaluable knowledge and insight that will only serve to bolster the first-rate representation we provide for our clients.  Information on the Consumer Attorney’s of California can be found here. https://www.caoc.org/